In ancient India, people were kept in different sections according to the work done by them in ancient Hindu. These communities, which were formed according to various types of work, were called caste or character.
The ancient Indian society was divided into Brahmin, Kshatriya, Vaishya and Shudra characters.
The work of Brahmins was to make study, teaching, meditation, and sacrifice, while the Kshatriyas were responsible for war and state affairs. Vaishyas' work was to provide trade and work of Shudras.
In ancient times it was all balanced and it was used to increase the efficiency of the social organization. But due to the high and low caste discrimination in the long run and the changing economic situation, it has increased the distance between different characters. It is worth noting that in the Vedic period, the chronology was based on karma based not birth-based. In the Vedic period, caste was not hereditary, but due to the Gupta period, people's characters were fixed on the basis of genetic basis. Due to the spirit of superior superiority, the creation of new castes began to be formed. Even Brahmins, considered to be superior, have even classified themselves into dozens. The people of other characters followed it and the number of castes reached in thousands. Thus, this character system has completely separated one person from the other person.
Let us now know four major characters of India in detail:
Brahmins are considered intellectuals, who command the public and the society to lead them on the path by their wisdom, knowledge and thought power. 'Brahmin' is the highest form of the system of Aryans in India, ie the system of the system. In the history of social change of India, when Indian society began to be addressed as Hindu, Brahmin characters were also transformed into the caste. Brahmin characters are now also a caste of Hindu society. The Brahmin is also called 'Vipra', 'Dvij', 'Dwijottam' or 'Bhusur'.
Kshatriya is that which prevents him from being disorganized by Bahubal, keeping order in society. The duty of the king is to protect the people. In Indian Aryans, the character system is available from the very beginning, according to which they got second place in society. His work was to fight and protect the people. According to the Brahmanic texts, the Kshatriyas were calculated after the Brahmins, but according to the Buddhist texts, the Kshatriyas attained the highest position in the society, higher than the Brahmins in four letters. Both Gautam Buddha and Mahavir were Kshatriyas, and it strengthens this establishment that Buddhism and Jainism while expressing the attitude of the Kshatriyas against the claims of superiority of the Brahmins in society, on the other hand, for a separate life philosophy He expresses his aspiration too. The place of Kshatriyas was definitely considered to be the second after the Brahmins in the four letters.
Vichy is a society which makes the society happy and prosperous by farming, cow rearing, and trade. Vaishya is the third place in the character system of Hindus. The people of this character used to be mainly commercial and agricultural. Under the caste system of Hindus, Vaish is the third important pillar of Varnashram. This class mainly consists of farmers, livestock, and business community of Indian society. The word 'Vaishya' comes from Vedic 'Vish'. From the point of view, the word 'Vaishya' has originated from Sanskrit, whose original meaning is "settling". According to Manu's 'Manusmriti', Vaishyas originated from the abdomen, ie the abdomen. According to some other ideas, Brahmin born of Brahma Ji, Vaishya born of Vishnu, called Kshatriya born of Shankar; Therefore, even today Brahmins worship their mother Saraswati, Vaishya Lakshmi, Kshatriya Durga.
Shudra is the fourth letter or caste in Indian society. Air Puran states that the person who is mourning and mourning is Shudra. In the future, the Shudra, who received the Druid (residual) of Shruti, was called Shudra. There was also an attempt to add shudra words from 'Kudras' mentioned by Homer. Serving the above three characters was Shudra's work. This character had the same importance as the other three characters. If this is not a character then the remaining three characters will have different living arrangements. This system was for the balance of society. The western philosopher Plato also said it is mandatory to divide society into four characters. In other religions, this type of character was arranged. Each system was based on qualities and deeds. Dr. Radhakrishnan says - "The combination of both the birth and the virtues of the characters has moved away from the character." The word shudra is essentially a foreigner and is probably the original name of a defeated non-racist race. According to the scriptures, every person is born Sudoku and reaches other character states through effort and development. In fact, there are four characters in each.
Virtues are the criteria of respect and dignity. The quality should be socially respected, not the birth. If a person of Shudra Varna increases his abilities, his knowledge, and his intellect, then he should also have the same respect as the Brahmin. Due to birth, no boycott is due, in the Mahabharata, Yudhisthira and Yagna have been said in the dialogue-
"Man does not become a Brahmin since birth, nor does he become a Brahmin from the knowledge of the Vedas. Man is considered as a Brahmin only by high character.
Who destroyed the Hindu society?
The Brahmins misrepresented the Vedas for proving themselves superior. The Brahmins only proved to be high on the form of Hindu religion and by making arbitrary a holy book. The texts (Brahmins) wrote for their meanings only. In those ways, the significance of the Brahmin-Purohit has been explained in all the ways. The Brahmin-priesthood is dominated by the Shudradi-Atshudras, who are always dominated by the heart and mind, hence they are considered superior to God. It is a matter of great disrespect to the Brahmin priests who have brought God's glory to such a low status by those texts. The God who has given the complete freedom to all the objects of this universe created by Shudradi-Vaishadudras and other people, in the name of that God, Brahmin-Panda-Purohitas, by creating compositions of utterly false scriptures, In those texts denying the rights of everyone, they themselves become the boss.
Where did the caste come from India? Who has donations? The debate is older. And this debate is too old that where did Arya come from? If you lose history, then you get a dispute rather than an answer. Everyone has their own history, their own logic, and their own evidence and their goals! As the goal, the history of that. But now the matter is becoming interesting. Instead of history, science has been finding answers to these questions. And that too is the authentic, evidence-proven, irrefutable and scientific answer. It may be that in the next few years all these questions and disputes are over. That day is not too far